SOLID-DSS / Sustainable Organic and Low-Input Dairying - Decision Support System / github project


This decision support system helps you to estimate the longterm balance of forage supply grown on arable & grassland and demand from your dairy herd and identify potential shortages and overconsumption. Before you run the simulation you should go through these steps:

  • Set your location and edit soil parameters.
  • Set the properties of your dairy herd.
  • Edit your rotations if you produce forage crops on arable land.
  • Set grassland and pasture availability.
  • Check yor inputs here and finally run the simulation.
  • View results here, adjust simulation parameters and run the simulation again if necessary.

Please find additional help and more background information on our Wiki pages.

Location and Weather




Simulation Settings


Dairy Herd

















kg DM


g N

g N

Purchased or Produced Supplementary Feedstuff

Crop and Forage Production




kg DM / ha


kg N / ha

Crop rotation

Drag and drop crops into the rotation, connect them and edit their properties. Only forages (maize silage and grass-legume) will be used in the diet calculations. Add the amout of concentrates available at purchased feeds.

Advanced model settings

Emergence to double ridge °C

Double ridge to flowering °C

Flowering to begin grain filling °C

Grain filling °C
Emergence to double ridge °C

Double ridge to flowering °C

Flowering to begin grain filling °C

Grain filling °C
Emergence to double ridge °C

Double ridge to flowering °C

Flowering to begin grain filling °C

Grain filling °C
Emergence to double ridge °C

Double ridge to flowering °C

Flowering to begin grain filling °C

Grain filling °C
Emergence to shooting °C

Shooting to tasseling °C

Tasseling to flowering °C

Flowering to corn filling °C

Corn filling °C
Flowering °C






Input Summary

Location and weather

Dairy herd

Milk yield

Distribution of parities

Daily energy and protein requirements

Crops and grassland


Yields arable

Averaged if a crop appears twice or more in a rotation

Water-/ nitrogen deficits and irrigation on arable land

Averaged over 10 days

Yields permanent grassland

Dry matter intake from pasture

Averaged over groups and periods

Feedstuff surplus

Total produced (year - 1) minus total consumed (year)